Tuesday, October 9, 2012

French Polynesia Day 1

We made it! After over 15 hours of traveling, and 3 different plane rides, we are finally here! 

Once we got to the Tahiti Airport, then we finally felt like we were on vacation. It is very humid here, and while they do have air conditioning, most places don't use it. We took the ferry ride over to the hotel ad the views behind us as we got closer and closer to the hotel were amazing!

By the time we arrived at our Bora Bora hotel it was 10am Monday morning local time (we are 6 hours behind Eastern time...same as Hawaii...in case you wanted to know), and we were exhausted. 

We could't check into our room until 4pm, but they gave us a standard room to get ready in and have a break. We used it basically to change into our bathing suits and head down to the pool/ocean. The pool is wonderful and has great views of the ocean. 

Since the water is so shallow and crystal clear you can see so many fishes and coral in it. If you stand still long enough, they will swim right up to your feet! 

We also went to the little outdoor restaurant/bar and had some lunch, and AB got herself a nice pina colada....and plans to have many more! MB got something called a Chi Chi, which is similar to a pina colada, but has more local fruits in it.

After lunch it was down to the beach. They had a few of these little rock piers that would stick out into the water a bit (maybe 15 feet out) so we decided to take over one of them, and lay down and enjoy the nice day, and take a 2 hour nap :) Then we decided to walk around the hotel property area and take some pictures.

After checking out our room (next blog will have more details on the room), we decided to get ready for some dinner. Since apparently you have to make reservations at most of the restaurants here, and we did not know that, we decided to eat at the beachside bar restaurant because they do not require reservations.

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