Tuesday, October 16, 2012

French Polynesia - ATV Tour/Hike

Half day hike and ATV tour today. We are so happy we did this in the morning and not the afternoon. It was so hot outside (note the sweat marks on our clothes in some of the later pictures). Albert and Louis from Albert ATV Tours were incredible...best tour guides ever!

During the ride we got off the ATV's and hiked just a little over to a creek. It was so clean, in fact, our tour guide Albert drank from it.

One of the plants/fruits that falls from trees is not an edible one. It is used to do all the native Polynesian tattoos with. When you break it open it has a dark blue juice which was used to dye the skin. Louis says not to eat it.

Our tour guides made us pose for some very funny pictures while at the Belvedere stop (Belevdere means good view). We made Albert and Louis pose for one with us as well :)

Everywhere you look there are roosters. They roam the streets like they are looking to hitch-hike, and sometimes they just like to chill on peoples roofs.

For a little break we went over to Ma's for some ice cream, drinks, and a break in the shade. Ma was Miss Tahiti in 1968, but after she won she opened her shop where she sells her homemade marmalades and ice cream. Nice lady. Speaks 4 languages. Her favorite phrase: Hakuna Matata  :)

Then we crossed over one more creek and took the ATVs up towards Magic Mountain. The ATVs will only make it so far, so you have to climb the last 5-10 minutes to the very top where there are 360 degree views. 

Here you can see some of the bungalows from our hotel.

We are very sweaty and very tired from our trip, so we will grab a quick bite to eat for lunch and then relax the rest of the day by the beach.

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