Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Vancouver--Day 2

The weather was not cooperating with us today. It was cloudy and cold, with periods of rain all day. So we decided to be tourists today. We snapped a photo from the Pier of our hotel to show the fog and rain in the mountains over in North Vancouver across the Inlet.

As we were making our way out of the hotel we finally had the camera to snap a photo of the giant waterfall in the lobby. Its a waterfall, but with bubbles in it (cant tell from the picture). It has a light projector to put up the Olympic logo into the background.

We went to the big Olympic Superstore and some little shops to try to find some souveniers. Along the way we also stopped at the big countdown clock. This counts down the days and minutes until the Olympics start. Now that the games have begun, the clock is counting the time until the Paralympics start.

Various streets are blocked off throughout the city to allow street vendors to sell stuff, and for people to get their picture taken at various photo ops. Below are pictures of us in cutouts of Olympic sports.

Here is another. Can you tell what sports they are?

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